Raising awareness, elevating best practices, and providing professional learning for educators
C4C & CS for ALL announcement to PSCA
Tech tools for Counselors
As one of the fastest growing sectors in Pennsylvania’s economy, there are over 18,000+ unfilled computer science jobs with an average salary of $80,000 and a projected growth of up to 26% annually. To help meet this career demand and fill the gap, Pennsylvania, under the leadership of Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary Pedro Rivera, is working to create and offer opportunities for every learning in computer science. Counselors are invited to the Pennsylvania Computer Science for All Summit (PA CS for ALL) as a key stakeholder in the effort help increase access to this job market for underrepresented populations and students from across the commonwealth.
Pennsylvania School Counselors Association (PSCA) and National Center for Women In Technology (NCWIT) have partnered to offer "Counselors 4 Computing" - a series of workshops at the PA CS for ALL summit on “Tech Tools for Counselors” and “Career Advising for 21st Century Careers”. The workshops have two majors goals. First, to expand school counselors understanding of the computing related careers to better equip our students with the knowledge to integrate their passions with computing career options. Second, to expand school counselors personal technology toolbox to find ways to make our practices more efficient and sustainable.
The PA CS for ALL summit is being coordinated to offer education to a variety of teachers, school leaders, and stakeholders. This will be a great opportunity for collaboration between school counselors, administration, and teachers. Along with Counselor 4 Computing and Tech Tools for Counselors, there will be opportunity for elementary school teachers to get certified in CS Fundamentals through; opportunities for school administrators to learn about building Pathways from K to the Workforce and learn about National & Local trends in Computer Science Policy; opportunities for current computer science teachers to build knowledge and skill sets to enhance current curriculum offerings.
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Raising awareness, elevating best practices, and providing professional learning for educators
C4C & CS for ALL announcement to PSCA
Tech tools for Counselors
As one of the fastest growing sectors in Pennsylvania’s economy, there are over 18,000+ unfilled computer science jobs with an average salary of $80,000 and a projected growth of up to 26% annually. To help meet this career demand and fill the gap, Pennsylvania, under the leadership of Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary Pedro Rivera, is working to create and offer opportunities for every learning in computer science. Counselors are invited to the Pennsylvania Computer Science for All Summit (PA CS for ALL) as a key stakeholder in the effort help increase access to this job market for underrepresented populations and students from across the commonwealth.
Pennsylvania School Counselors Association (PSCA) and National Center for Women In Technology (NCWIT) have partnered to offer "Counselors 4 Computing" - a series of workshops at the PA CS for ALL summit on “Tech Tools for Counselors” and “Career Advising for 21st Century Careers”. The workshops have two majors goals. First, to expand school counselors understanding of the computing related careers to better equip our students with the knowledge to integrate their passions with computing career options. Second, to expand school counselors personal technology toolbox to find ways to make our practices more efficient and sustainable.
The PA CS for ALL summit is being coordinated to offer education to a variety of teachers, school leaders, and stakeholders. This will be a great opportunity for collaboration between school counselors, administration, and teachers. Along with Counselor 4 Computing and Tech Tools for Counselors, there will be opportunity for elementary school teachers to get certified in CS Fundamentals through; opportunities for school administrators to learn about building Pathways from K to the Workforce and learn about National & Local trends in Computer Science Policy; opportunities for current computer science teachers to build knowledge and skill sets to enhance current curriculum offerings.
Submit your information to be notified via email when registration officially opens.