It was great to see everyone at Millersville University for the December Meeting. Thank you to Millersville for providing the dinner and the warm welcome given by the Admissions Director, Katy Ferrier. After dinner we had a few announcements and a presentation from Matt Wintersteen, PA Youth Suicide Prevention Initiative. If you were not able to make the meeting, I highly recommend that you review the training videos available from PAYSPI online at, located on the bottom of the ACT 71 page.
Announcements from PSCA:
Happy Holidays!
- Dana Wile
Announcements from PSCA:
- If you renew or join ASCA before January 31st, you will receive a free "School Counselor, not Guidance" t-shirt from ASCA. Even if you are a summer renewal cycle, renewal now will count next year.
- PSCA Conference rates will go up after December 30th. Register now!
- Leadership Summit: Dialogues on Racism will be in Lancaster County on April 7th, 2016 at Millersville University open to all IU 13 schools to send 10 students from their district. There will also be a Capital Region Leadership Summit: Dialogues on Racism on March 10th, 2016 at Penn State Harrisburg.
Happy Holidays!
- Dana Wile

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